Life Coaching

Articles & Interviews
"But there’s a larger, often unspoken aspect to my mentor’s sickness that is prevalent in our world. Women often carry the emotional labor for others, expected to take care of everyone else but themselves."
- in the Natural Nutmeg Magazine, 10/9/23
"Discovering independence within your work sets off a profound chain reaction, unlocking new and exhilarating dimensions in every aspect of life. In my journey, taking the leap to start my own business in 2012 became the catalyst for transformative experiences. It empowered me to achieve physical fitness, cultivate a chosen family, and delve into activities I truly loved."
- in the Natural Nutmeg Magazine, 6/26/23
"As I discovered my polyamorous identity over that next year, I realized it was one of the many reasons I had shut down for twelve years. I knew deep down that the world around me didn’t align with my values. To conform to its rules, I played small and avoided attention. Expressing my true beliefs would have been risky."
- in the Natural Nutmeg Magazine, 4/29/23