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Tool #2 : AFFIRMATION : Exploring Each Confidence Tool (2)

Tue, Aug 15


Middle River Yoga Studio

You have The Confidence Tool Kit but you need some help and support to work on an issue that keeps on happening in your life (work or love). Each of these workshops is 2 hours long and addresses one of the Tools: starting with the first and going in order.

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Tool #2 : AFFIRMATION : Exploring Each Confidence Tool (2)
Tool #2 : AFFIRMATION : Exploring Each Confidence Tool (2)

Time & Location

Aug 15, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Middle River Yoga Studio, 2 River Rd, Stafford, CT 06076, USA

About the event

You have The Confidence Tool Kit and you may have even gone to the FREE Introductory Talk about it but NOW WHAT?


This workshop Explores Tool #2 : AFFIRMATION.  Look below for a short description of each Tool & what to expect from this workshop.

Tool Kit 


📅Tuesdays, Aug 8, 2023 6-8pm 

We will look at how starting off your tool kit right will make for better results and less hassles all around.  Taking Inventory helps you do the  inner work to find out what you are coming with: How do you Feel, Think, & How are you showing up?  This work is where CLARITY comes.  I will provide more tools to tap into the underlying issues involved so that you can find a FOCUS that hits at your core beliefs & wishes for you life.


📅Tuesdays, Aug 15, 2023 6-8pm 

Most of us have heard of Affirmations but most of us have no idea what they really are or how to create one that we can BELIEVE IN and CREATE CHANGE with.  I will show you the steps to making a great affirmation feel true and propel you into the person you want to be more of!  We will also discuss the difference between INTENTION and AFFIRMATIONS.


📅Tuesdays, Aug 22, 2023 6-8pm 

We use containers everyday to create BOUNDARIES between things.  By consciously utilizing Containerizing we can find solutions to previous hurdles.  It can also create SAFE places when we are surprised, unsure, or in freeze mode.  We will discuss the Poly-Vaguel Theory and how containerizing can set you up for success when knowing what you need in the next tool, Care Package.


📅Tuesdays, Aug 29, 2023 6-8pm 

The Care Package is so important because here is where you put all the three steps together and learn what YOU need to feel safe and able to proceed bravely into your Confident self.  We will go through the all senses plan and discover how You may need totally different things then someone else - AND THAT IS GREAT!  


📅Tuesdays, Aug 8, 2023 6-8pm 

I use to hate the word Ritual but now I realize that rituals are really only symbols that we do consistently to remind ourselves what we are here for.  Rituals put the mystical back into our lives and they also bring us back to the HERE & NOW.   The symbols in form or action are the language of the universe.  When you communicate with the universe in symbols that represent what you want embued with intentions coming from the higher vibrations you are dealing with manifestation at its finest.


📅Tuesdays, Aug 8, 2023 6-8pm 

Once you have your Why that carries through all things in your life, your affirmations take on more strength and you find your CONFIDENCE quite easily.  Finding this though is trial and error.  We will go through some exercises to help you tap into the keys to finding your WHY and how different it can make you feel in your body.  It's this type of KNOWING that you can no longer deny!  


📅Tuesdays, Aug 8, 2023 6-8pm 

We will go through tricks to making your visualizations more real so that you believe that what you want is not only possible but probable.  Creating a Vision Board will be a part of this process. 


  • 1 Day 2 Hours Workshop

    This Workshop is 2 hours long.

    From $17.00 to $37.00
    Sale ended
    • $37.00
      +$0.93 service fee
    • $27.00
      +$0.68 service fee
    • $17.00
      +$0.43 service fee



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